I have always loved Huskies.

Who could say no to this face???
Everyone needs a dog. Everyone could use a companion to love them unconditionally.

This is not my Mia, but it reminds me of her when she was a pup. She'd lay just like this on our hardwood floors for hours in the sun.
My Mia
More than anything Mia loved to come on adventures with us. She HATED being left behind. She had so much excitement and anxiety on the car rides to wherever we were going. She would whine and pace the whole ride. lol She hated it when we put her in the back like this. She liked being in the back seat where she could put her head up by us and out the window. She came on walks with us, hikes up the mountain, trips to our parents, hung out with us when we did yard work...wherever we went Mia came too.
I may just say this because I am bias, but Mia is the prettiest chocolate lab I have ever seen. And she is the sweetest, most loveable, well mannered pup. She took the divorce very hard. She could tell that we were having problems. And every time I would go to the house to pick up something she would walk around crying and laying her head on our laps. Mia and I have always had a special bond. I was the one who spent the majority of her puppy stages training her. There were many nights, because of stupid work schedules, that I was home by myself. The thing I miss most is that I was never alone. She was always there with me. Even though I miss her everyday, I couldn't take her away from Landon. I know that she is his baby too. And I wanted her to be in her home that she recognized. She is the last thing in that house that carries both of our love. That's the way it should be. I go see her sometimes, but I haven't been for a long time. It's almost harder to see her every now and then and have to leave her. Plus, it's still very strange to pull up to my old house as a visitor. I have been talking to Chris about getting a puppy, but every time I think of it it makes me cry. I feel like I would be cheating on Mia. I feel like that would be me giving up on her and replacing her. That would never be the case. Mia is irreplaceable. She has been our baby. And no matter how many other dogs I have she will always be the one that holds a special place in my heart.
You always have that one doggy that you have a special bond with, I believe that everyone has that one soul mate that walks on four paws.
I agree with you, Brad. :) Mia will always be my soul mate doggy.
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