March 27, 2012

21 days to happiness

I got an email invite on FB to a online workshop from It provides daily assignments for 21 days. The daily assignments range from very simple to moderately difficult and are designed to provide ways for you to CREATE happiness in your daily life, even if you are already a very happy person! If you want to participate there is still time. Email Todd Sauce Farris your email address that you would like the assignments to be sent to. This is our first assignment.

Read and Repeat
Twice a Day

Iam grateful I have the choice to be happy whenever I choose to do so. I understand that outside influences can only affect me to the degree to which I allow them too and by choosing to do so, I can focus my energy and thoughts on creating happiness in any situation I am faced with. Even when I am faced with undesirable circumstances I have the choice, and exercise that choice, to find the positive and happy side of the situation. My happiness is up to me and I choose to be happy.

I put this on my mirror in my bathroom so for the next 21 days I can read it out loud when I get ready in the morning and at night before bed. :)

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