March 02, 2013

Business or pleasure

Shortly after I moved back from Seattle Chris's work was sending him to LA for a work trip. He was their top salesman that quarter so he got to bring me. They took us to Knoxsbury Farm and to a USC game. We were there for 5 days. We were fed good food, got to drive in nice cars, and soak in some of the fabulous Cali sunshine. Not bad for a work trip, right?

 Adults ride rides too

We met Bart Simpson 

We met the crew of Apollo 13 

We cruised down Wysteria Lane (The set of Desperate Housewives) 

We made our way to Steven Spielberg Drive 

 We wrestled with Jaws

We went to the Water World show 

We cheered 

USC didn't end up winning, but it was a great game 

An end to a fun trip


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