September 07, 2011

Love is my drug

What isn't there to love about love? Yeah, sometimes it leaves you, but it always finds its way back. There are valid reasons for me to choose the dark side and be a cynic. But, I don't like all of that negative energy floating around inside me. I choose love.

I watched a classic romantic movie the other night. It has yours truly, Ryan Gosling, and the beautiful Rachel Adams. Yes, my friends, it's one of the top-notch love stories around, The Notebook. As I watched it, for what was probably the twentieth time, I thought to myself there is something so magical about summer romances and young/new love. There's passion, excitement, adulation, adoration, infatuation, lust, salaciousness.....the list goes on. The pain of falling out of love or losing the love of someone is beyond painful, but it makes it all worth the heartache when you get to feel those feelings of new love all over again. It's like a drug.

 I came across this article about the chemistry of love. It explains how we have a chemical that is released when we are "in love". One is  Phenylethylamine (known as the 'love molecule). It can be released by the touch of a hand or a look. When the heart racing and heavy breathing occurs it is an overdose of this chemical. Sad, but true. The other chemical is oxytoxin, or the 'cuddling' chemical. Like mentioned in the article she says, "This chemical promotes the need to be physically held, have close contact with he mate and makes both the sexes more caring. It can be released simply by a lover’s look, smell or even a fantasy."
And she sums it up very well with this last statement . "So much for the chemistry of infatuation. When infatuation subsides, another chemical takes over, which is responsible for intimate relationships. These chemicals are created by endorphins. They make a relationship steadier, intimate, dependable, warm and a great sharing experience. They do not induce a giddy high, but calmness and stability…hence are the reason why people stay married. The longer they are married, the longer two people stay together, because this chemical is addictive. It is endorphins that trigger grief on a spouse’s death or long separation, those yearnings for togetherness. The two types of attachments can be summed up as follows…adrenaline love is being in love with the idea of being in love. While endorphins, we like loving someone. By
I loved how she ended with "we like loving someone". That's how a relationship/marriage should be. It should be based on liking the feeling of loving that person. You can start with the adrenaline love because, lets be honest, the high from that is something we all like to feel. Adrenaline love being similar to how Noah and Allie (Ryan Gosling and Rachel Adams) started their courting. Over time they became each others addictions.
I love the idea of love, the act of love, the feeling of love....I love being in love. Here's to love and the people in our lives that are feeding our addiction.
Remarkable Love

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