September 07, 2011

Beginning...Utah...Middle....Idaho and Oregon...New Home....Seattle, Washington

The 13 hour drive begins!

Crossing into Oregon. (my first time)

So excited to be on a road trip with his truly. :0)


Window cleaning in Oregon at a gas station
we are not allowed to pump our own gas.

Pretty landscape in Oregon.

They have the silliest signs. I felt like I learned so much
from all the random facts. lol

Big, tall trees.

I have that effect on most people.

Whatever is on that map seems
to be making him pretty happy.
We must have been getting close!

The trees started.....and never ended from here.

Welcome to Washington!

Crossed the border in Washington state! Woot!

Please do not judge my terrible photo taking.
This is a crappy pic, but it was the first one I got
as we saw the city for the first time. It was dark
and I was using my point and shoot. It doesn't like
moving and especially moving in the dark in a car.
You come out of a tunnel on the freeway and POP!
There's the city!

First pic of the Space Needle. lol
The flash ended up blinding Chris and
showed up blurry and dark. Oh well.
I can always take another. :)

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