July 05, 2011

Positive reinforcement

Holidays suck, at least for now. I find myself holding my breath until they are over. I am usually the one spreading my positive words with you all. Now I need them from you. Please feel free to post any comments of positive reinforcement to boost me back on track.


Becca Lund said...

I heard someone wise (at least I'm assuming they were wise, it was on TV) say something when talking about a tragedy that had happened -- she said that she never will get over it, she just learns every day a better way to cope. I think that's how life is. Learning how to cope with the trials and crap that is thrown our way. Your are the strongest, most beautiful, tough as nails girl I know -- you'll pull through. And ya have to let yourself have bad days. Pretending that everything is happy all the time doesn't do anyone any good. Love ya!

Ashley said...

Becca, you're awesome. Whoever you heard that from was wise. It's really all you can do. You can't ever forget it. It's burned into your heart for good. But, she is smart is saying that you find new ways to cope. If one way isn't working for me I need to remember to switch my course. Thanks for being so supportive. Love ya back girlie!