March 17, 2011

Old Treasures are Remarkable

In the midst of going through some of my junk boxes I found a lost treasure. I have this blue journal that says Dreams on the cover. I have used for some of my writing over the years. It has some of my happiest words and some of my darkest, within just a few pages of each other. I can still feel the dents from the pen and it takes me back to each moment. The entry I want to share with you is from a completely different time in my life, but it somehow molds itself into my current situation. That's the beauty of writing. We all want manuals for life. Writing down life's experiences and feelings gives you your own life manual. It's there to guide you through situations that will arise again later in life. No need to make the same mistakes twice. Share your manual. Look in it often. Maybe someday you'll be looking back at your old treasures and find the inspiration you're in need of. I did.

Life...melting down to oblivion.All that is in me now shrinking to extinction. Where is that so called happy medium? How do I get there? 
I have taken a path of exploration and divine bliss. I'm scared of all the darkness. Who will guide me? You? No, just me. I whisper over and over the words of strength. I just take what I have and make it all mine. Share with who? Me, myself and I.
I look back at the dispersing image of the nail that pinned me down. Acknowledge all the advantages of your freedom filled eyes. 
What do you see out in the open fields of opportunity? Perhaps a small growth of life. This growth yells out for extreme maintenance. No slacking! You must nurture this sometimes frightening growth.What's the greatness in it all? Extraordinary streams that will feed you endless happiness.

-Ashley Remarkable

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