January 18, 2012

Plans for 2012

-Have a girl's night in February to go see The Vow

-Buy a couch for the new home

-Train my butt off for my half marathon

-Run the Moab Canyonlands Half Marathon and finish a half an hour quicker than my last one

-Celebrate one year with my Christopher in April :)

-Go to Mexico in May (bought 5 new swimsuits to celebrate vaca and the new ladies :) )

-Get back to riding my mountain bike

-Bbqs and volleyball with friends in the summer

-Save for Hawaii for 2013 for Mitch and Marisa's wedding

-Go back to school (finally going to pursue my love of writing)

-Take more pictures

-Hang lots of pictures in the new house to make it a home

-Learn how to sew

-Eat out less (this means I will have to get my cooking skills back. Feel free to share good, easy recipes)

-Get a tattoo

-Get a puppy....or two

-Put a yard in at the new house

-Meet my neighbors

-Do something charitable

-Spend lots of time with family

-Laugh and love.....a lot

-Write in my journal

-Be happy

I think that's a good start.

January 17, 2012

Moab Canyonlands Half Marathon

I was crazy enough to do it once and I'm crazy enough to do it again! I talked my co worker into doing it with me. We are doing a 12 week training. We have small runs through the week and big runs on Saturday. We have 2 rest days during the week. Three miles finally just got easy to do. I don't know how the 7 mile run is going to go this Saturday. :-/

I am so glad I decided to do this again. It was one of the coolest experiences I have ever had. It feels like such an amazing accomplishment. Plus, it helps boost me into shape for the new year. Wish us luck!

http://www2.brightroom.com/32292/3740 Pictures from Half Marathon I ran in 2008 with my friend Darin.

http://www.moabhalfmarathon.org/halfmarathon/index.cfm Second time coming! March 17th!

She flies with her own wings

I spent years and all this time
thinking I was better off cuz you were mine
You always said it was your way or the highway
So I'm shiftin my life into drive
I'm getting out kissing the past good-bye
Like Toby said, "How do you like me now?"
This conversation has run dry
And I keep telling myself

ooooooo, ooooooo, ooooooo
There's more to me than you
ooooooo, ooooooo
Don't underestimate what I can do
Well I'm alright, it's okay                                                           
I know I'll make it through                                                                     
Cuz there's more to me than you                                                      

I'm not saying I'm battered and bruised
but I might as well be with the words you used
I believe in myself, that makes me stronger
Things changed and so have I
I'm gonna make hay while the sun still shines
You can clip my wings, but I'm still gonna fly
I'm on my own and on my way
And I keep telling myself

There was always something that meant more to you than me
And I'm just sorry it's taking this for you to see

ooooooooo, ooooooo, oooooo
There's more to me than you

There's more to me than you

Song by Jessica Andrews

I love this song. Besides me loving Jessica Andrews as an artist, I love her lyrics. These ones are particularly strong and hit my heart strings on a personal level.

January 03, 2012

Move #5

Yes, this is move #5. It has been a crazy year, to say the least. But, when you get to move into a house as beautiful as this it makes it all worth it. I feel very blessed to be sharing it with the man I love.

Visiting teaching room
We're going to have it as a library

Half bath downstairs

Great room


Laundry room

Stairs to second level



Guest bedroom 1

Guest bedroom 2

Guest bath



Master bathroom

Master bath

Master closet


I have known these two since the 7th grade. To show you just you how old we are...we've known each other for about 12 years! Needless to say, we've seen each other through a lot. No matter how much time passes and no matter how much changes in our lives, we still fit into each others lives. Friends are family we choose. :)
Ash, Shan, Car

January 02, 2012

Inspiration from Pinterest

I'm sure there are many of you out there who can agree with me when I say that I may need PA (Pinterest Anonymous). Once you start you can't stop! It sucks you in. Even though it fills my head with false hopes of every having as nice of a house as they per tray, be able to make my own clothes, have a million dollar wedding, etc.....I have gotten a lot of good out of it. I am a woman of words. I love words. I don't always express myself by saying my words, but I do love writing them. I love the inspiration I give myself from writing and the inspiration I get from others words. Here are some words I want to share from our shared love....Pinterest. :)

You're a smart man, Bob.

Because I deserve it

Chris has already had to endure most of these ;)
Love you, baba!

Life doesn't always turn out how we had
planned and that's okay.

Some need to get lost to find themselves

I have a lot of therapy ahead of me!
My 12 week training for my half marathon
started last week. Eeek!

I am not much of a needle gal
nor did I ever think I would dare
to even think of getting a tattoo,
but if I do I really love this one.
I love the meaning and the way
it snuggles it's way right into my
life. It means "she flies with her
own wings".

You are lovely just the way you are
